Supporting Indigenous Communities

There is a remote region in the north of Argentina called “El Impenetrable“ which is home to several indigenous communities. That did not stop Embracing the World volunteers from seeing the need for support and going deep into the jungle to provide assistance.
The project started in 2011, with our volunteers gathering donations of clothing, food, books, school supplies, toys and many household items to send to support the indigenous communities. In October of that year, they were finally able to travel to the region for the first time to distribute the donated items. A group of volunteers visited many families and several schools to inquire about the needs of the families and children. Since that initial visit, the volunteers have returned several times a year, collaborating with other local NGOs (non-governmental organizations).
Several new schools in these rural communities have been identified as lacking in basic necessities. After reaching out to individual families, universities and companies, our volunteers have been able to help these schools by giving them supplies: from desks to blackboards to first aid supplies and kitchen utensils. They were even able to provide some bicycles for the kids.
Future visits are already in the works with the plan to offer courses in CPR, first aid and tests for Diabetes and Chagas Disease. All who made these trips brought back unforgettable experiences in their hearts.