Amma plants seeds of compassion in the hearts of others

27 October 2014 — Alexander Palace, London - Europe Yatra 2014
Upon Amma’s arrival in London, her 27th visit to the United Kingdom, Amma was welcomed onstage by three dignitaries: Lord Andrew Stone of the House of Lords; Ms. Scilla Elworthy, peace activist and founder Rising Women, Rising World, the Oxford Research Group and Peace Direct; and Academy Award-winning film director Alfonso Cuarón.
Addressing the gathering, Ms. Elworthy, who is a three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and the recipient of the 2003 Niwano Peace Prize, praised Amma’s humanitarian initiatives and youth groups. She said, “I observe two phenomenon happening in our world. On the one hand, humans are stripping the earth of its natural resources so fast that entire ecosystems are collapsing. On the other hand, humans are waking up to an entirely new perception of how the universe functions. And the most powerful forces in that direction, in my experience, are, first of all, the empowerment of women to share with men the responsibilities of decision-making and, secondly, the energy, alertness and skills of young people who have moved from ‘me’ to ‘we.’ They care less about how much they have and more about how much they can offer. And these forces are gaining impetus fast, profoundly inspired and encouraged by Amma’s work. … Amma’s huge heart plants compassion like a seed in the hearts of others, and that is how this huge army of volunteers changes the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.”
October 19-21 – Cergy-Pontoise, France – Europe Yatra 2014
Hall Saint-Martin in Cergy-Pontoise was overflowing with people as Amma walked into the hall on the morning of the 19th October for her 2014 Paris programs. On the first day, darshan went from 11 a.m. on the 19th till 2:30 a.m. on the 20th. Amma’s boundless love and patience are something that is always a wonder. In Paris, the patience of the people waiting for their turn to see Amma was also remarkable, as many waited till the wee hours of the morning for darshan.
15-17 Oct, Winterthur, Switzerland – Europe Yatra 2014
The next stop on the tour was Eulachhalle in Winterthur from October 15 to 17, 2014, where Amma was accorded a grand welcome on her arrival. She served food to all the devotees present that evening, also enlightening them with her spiritual wisdom. She reminded the devotees, “Never waste away the time in hand. Don’t think that it is easy to contemplate on the Divine in the final moments of one life. Only if we have invested time and energy in such thoughts from a young age, will they come to our mind towards the end of one’s life.”
11-13 Oct, Munich, Germany – Europe Yatra 2014
The Zenith Omega Hall was packed to capacity as Amma entered the hall for the programme in Munich on October 11, 2014. The amazing Bavarian choir group, dressed in the traditional attire, welcomed Amma as she walked to the stage to meet the thousands assembled there. The three day programme had people coming from the neighbouring countries of Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland and the Czech Republic.