AYUDH International for Change

More than 500 youth from all parts of India came together from December 24th-27th, 2017 for their first ever national summit that took place in Embracing the World’s flagship center—Amritapuri, Kerala, India. The Indian youth were accompanied and supported by their fellow international AYUDHians from the Americas, Europe, Australia and Asia, who actively took part in organizing and participating in the summit. The youth spent four days engaged in various topics like personal empowerment, social service, green initiative, and intercultural exchange activities led by leaders of change in their respective fields, such as Major General Gagandeep Bakshi, famous Indian writer Swaminathan Gurumurthy, and more. The event was especially marked by the joyous exchange between all international AYUDH chapters present.
AYUDH Americas played a key role in the entire event. On the first day, the momentous inauguration included presentations from AYUDH India, AYUDH Americas, AYUDH Europe and AYUDH Australia-Asia representatives, who showcased the social service initiatives accomplished in the past 10 years. Elizabeth Corley, National Coordinator of the Americas chapter, gave a comprehensive presentation on the AYUDH Americas approach to implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. Each year, the Americas team picks three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to create initiatives with particular goals met throughout the year by the collaboration of 20+ chapters around the continents.
These projects can be found in our AYUDH site.
Later on in the summit, AYUDH Americas delegate Hari Kumar, a member of the organization of many years, also delivered a talk on how his life has been impacted by Amma. Finally, Br. Ramanand, director of AYUDH Americas, gave a talk on “Together We Can.” It was beautiful to see how youth from around the world could come together and support one another in one goal—love and compassion for all.
The AYUDH Americas and AYUDH India Teams look forward to hosting an international youth summit one day.