Amma's visit to Los Angeles, November 2019

Amma’s LA programs were held in Ray Dolby Ballroom in Hollywood. It was a serene and peaceful program with hundreds filling the huge hall. At the start of the first program, Rick Nahmias, Founder and Executive Director of Food Forward, a nonprofit in Los Angeles, garlanded Amma.
On behalf of Bill Brand, Honorable Mayor of Redondo Beach, District 1 Council Member, Mr. Nils Nehrenheim spoke to the gathered crowd and presented Amma with a letter of commendation. “We in Redondo Beach are so very grateful to be chosen to have the MA Center in our little beachside community. The building has significant cultural history and could have been something mundane if anyone else had bought it. We thank you every day that you saw the inner beauty to preserve that building. The love and cultivation that you brought bleeds over into the community every day. We notice that.”
Amma’s LA program lasted for a total of five days. There were two public program days to begin with followed by a retreat that lasted for 2 and a half days and on the evening of the fifth day of the event was a special public program. Amma extended her embrace to all who came to her. At the end of the program Amma encouraged everyone to clap their hands and laugh like a three year old child. The gathering responded with great cheer and enthusiasm. In her satsang, Amma reiterated the importance of expanding one’s heart. “Amma’s vision is one of forgiveness, mutual understanding and love. Only action based on such an expansive vision can carry humankind to both spiritual and material heights.”
Retreats are meant for some quality time with Amma during which we can meditate, participate in question and answer sessions with Amma, get our dinner prasad served directly from Amma and as always darshan and meditation with Amma. It is a wonderful experience and the LA satsang members were delighted that Amma gave them the opportunity of having a retreat with her in their home town. As a token of their appreciation for all that Amma gives, the satsangs from California performed several cultural programs which included traditional and contemporary dance forms, music and drama.
Around Amma life is always a festival.