Amma honored with a sea of roses in Houten, Netherlands

"Everytime you embrace a human soul, it is felt everywhere in the world"
October 15 and 16 marked the 20th visit of Amma to the Netherlands. It was Amma’s 32nd Europe tour. Amma arrived early afternoon from the German Amma Center Hof Herrenberg. Devotees had created a Kerala style Pookalam of flowers, autumn colored leaves and pine cones to welcome Amma.
A sea of roses
Amma's 20th visit to the Netherlands was celebrated with a 'sea of roses'. "Amma thank you for keeping our beautiful country in your embrace for so many years. We pray to you to stay in our hearts forever. We are the country of flowers and we want to honor you with a sea of roses." said the speaker. Everybody in the audience had a rose. As all started singing a variation on a famous Dutch song with the line: '100.000 roses to you Amma', the flowers were passed forward to Amma. As the roses reached the stage they were put in a beautiful golden display around Amma with 15 vases, each carrying over one hundred roses. It made a stunning sight. The roses were later used for Devi Bhava.
Five times world kick boxing champion, tv-coach for youngsters and AYUDH trainer Lucia Rijker joined the stage with actress and writer Leontine Borsato, both addressed Amma as an inspiration and expressed their gratitude.
Then renowned Jewish scholar, peace and human rights activist Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp adressed the crowd:
"What a happiness and a blessing to be here with you, with the love that stands like a burning fire in the darkness of the world, to be here with you. This year, we are on the eve of perhaps the most important 10 years in the history of humanity on earth. In the next 10 years, through our actions and responsibilities, we can turn the curse of climate change into a blessing.
Over the next 10 years, our sympathy with Mother Earth and with all living beings can put an end to the shameful poverty, the problem of refugees, of millions of people threatened by violence. We can change it into a harmonic world. I ask you: God with His and Her many names, to give us the strength to do what needs to be done. And in that Amma gives us a Motherly power: love.
In the Jewish tradition, we are at a special moment: this is the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. We started 15 days ago with the new Jewish year: 5780. At the Feast of Tabernacles, we go into a hut, something fragile, that we build, to make us feel what it is to have a house and what it means to not have a house. Then we ask God for protection.
Even in the time of the temple, more than 2500 years ago, seventy sacrifices were made in Jerusalem for the seventy tribes of the earth. This feast is also a universal and that is why I am so happy that I can experience this moment with you, at this feast.
I want to express my gratitude to Amma for your strength with which you lead us: from simple tolerance to respect and from respect to love.
When we wanted to give a name to God, the first name given was the God of Truth. But the world could not handle the truth. And that is why God created Gesset: love. And that is why in one of the most beautiful names, God is called the God of love and truth.
You are that one, that Gesset, who carries love in you. And that divine spark does not separate, but brings everything together, and is anchored in all spiritual traditions.
As a human community, we are one body. When a part of that body is in pain, the rest of the body feels it. If that was not so, it would be dead. As humanity, we are able to feel the power of that love and healing. And I feel that you are the pioneer of this decade in front of us. Because in the modern world, with all it's means of communication, a whisper can be felt and seen by millions and billions of people.
Everytime you embrace a human soul, it is felt everywhere in the world. This force that allows healing and all parts of our human body to be healthy. Bless me, bless us, bless every man and woman and child. Bless every bird, bless the community of life, so that we can walk together towards peace.
And I would like to end, with how we end the reading of a portion the Torah, five books everytime we conclude, year after year: Strength, strength, may we continue to draw strength from you, strength from each other, Shalom Peace.
Amrita signs MOU with Dutch Engineering University of Twente
On the second day of the program a MOU between Amrita University and the famous Dutch Engineering University of Twente was signed by Amma and the Dean of Twente. Prof. Dr. J.N. (Joost) Kok, dean Twente University, Dr. R.A.M. (Alma) Schaafstal, program director creative technology and Dr. Amrita University was represented by Amma, the Dr. Maneesha Sudheer, Dr. Shyaam Diwakar, Dr. Krishnashree Achutan and Dr. Bipin Nair.
The signed Letter of Intent formalised the operating of a 3+2 program for a Masters degree in Interaction Technology. The letter expresses the intention of closer cooperation to pursue the 3+2 i-tech program between the school of engineering of
Amrita University and the faculty of electrical engineering, mathematics and computer science of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. The program integrates the bachelor program of Amrita University and the Master program of Twente University. This further enhances the cooperation between the universities in cutting edge science and technology. Both institutes combine excellence in education and research, with an international orientation and a commitment to unite social sciences and engineering.