Br. Ramanand visits Toronto in 2017

We are thrilled to announce that this year Brahmachari Ramanand will be visiting Toronto on a regular basis to lead satsangs, meditation sessions, and pujas with our satsang group.
Br Ramanand, a long time disciple of Amma, first met Amma at the age of three. He has had the good fortune of being with Her in the Amritapuri ashram in India, from a very young age. Gifted in music, he has composed many devotional songs (bhajans) and his melodious voice can often be heard alongside Amma's during many bhajans.
Presently, Br. Ramanand oversees the activities of Amma's satsangs in the eastern US and Canada. He regularly visits the satsang groups in many cities on the East Coast in order to inspire the devotees, and keep alive the flame of selfless-service that Amma has lighted in their hearts. Br. Ramanand holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland. A life-long learner, he leads weekly scriptural study classes on the Bhagavad Gita, the Lalitha Sahasranamam, the works of Adi Shankaracharya, and other sacred texts, that are open to all via the internet. His talks, peppered humour, weave together enthralling stories of his experiences with Amma with his insight into the scriptures, creating an uplifting experience for his audience.
In 2017, Br Ramanand is planning on coming to Toronto for a weekend every 5-6 weeks, excepting when he is on tour with Amma. Each one of Br. Ramanand's visits will have the following structure:
- On Thursday evenings, he will lead a group meditation session followed by a spiritual discussion and Q&A session.
- On Fridays, Br. Ramanand will lead an Amrita Kudumbam ('Amrita Family') satsang in devotees homes. Devotees interested in having one at their place of residence are encouraged to invite new people, especially their friends and family, so that more people learn about Amma and our local satsang's activities.
- On Saturdays, Br. Ramanand will lead a the regular Toronto Amma satsang or, occasionally, a special event such as a retreat.
Once the dates of Br. Ramanand's next visit are known, they will be posted on our Events page. For more information, please email If you wish to join Br. Ramanand's online scriptural study sessions on Tuesday evenings, or if you any questions for him, you can also email him directly at