MA Center PNW, Seattle

New Year Retreat 2021

“Without succumbing to despair, we should light up our hearts with the lamp of hope.” - Amma

Registration is open for the New Year's Day Retreat with Amma's Disciples on Jan 1. 2021!

Amma says that to begin the New Year "we should take stock of ourselves, and, with an eye to the future, engage in positive actions. This is the time to make such determined resolutions.
This online retreat, led by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Amma’s senior-most disciple, along with Amma’s North American disciples, provides time to reflect on the new year and the hope it brings, as we continue to deepen our inner connection with Amma through spiritual practice.
The day will culminate with an auspicious puja ceremony that will be open to all.

More details & registration at: