Highlights from the MA Center PNW Inauguration Ceremony, May 19, 2024

On May 19th, over 170 satsang members from around the Pacific Northwest gathered to celebrate the inauguration of the newly established MA Center PNW in Seattle, WA. The festivities kicked off with an early morning homa (fire ceremony) led by Pujarini Meera. Swami Dayamritananda Puri then performed two boiling milk ceremonies, a tradition symbolizing new beginnings; with the overflowing pot signifying the abundance of blessings entering the new property. Following a break for breakfast, the inauguration ceremony formally began with a lighting of the lamp by Swamiji, PNW satsang leaders, and the Head of Chancery of the Consulate General of India, Mr. Suresh Sharma and his wife Seema. After leading a beautiful meditation, Swamiji gave an inspiring spiritual talk and emphasized the purpose of the new Center - to uplift us and serve the surrounding communities. The program concluded with joyful bhajans, Arati, and a delicious vegetarian lunch.
Continuing reading for a special personal account of the weekend events by an Olympic Peninsula Satsang member, "MA Center PNW Inauguration Ceremony Reflections by Vandya Huntting".