Care bags by Amrita Bala kendra

"Amrita Bala Kendra program tries to give children an understanding of spiritual principles and shows them how to bring these simple teachings into their daily lives through stories, bhajans, field trips, arts and crafts, celebration of festivals and service projects. The Bala Kendra program focuses on values, traditions, and spiritual practices"
In December, Amma's Balakendra children made care bags to give out to the Seattle's homeless men and women attending Mother's Kitchen. The kids received donations from satsang members as well as from many generous and thoughtful friends of their families. THANK YOU!
The kids did a beautiful job sorting the items (toothbrushes, socks, coats, toothpaste, granola bars, blankets......) and preparing the care bags. One child was even doing quality control to make sure all the bags received a "fair" amount . The children made super sweet cards wishing the men and women peace. In the cards the kids showed how they are thinking about, caring and praying for people living outdoors. This project was very meaningful and the young devotees were all heart, following Amma's example under the sweet leadership of the devotee parents.
To learn more about Amrita Bala Kendra, write to