November 8, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
Final Harvest this Saturday!
All are welcome this Saturday, November 11 for our final fall harvest! While most of the harvesting has been completed, there are still a number of apples remaining in the trees. We also have leeks in the veggie garden which need to be... more ›
October 31, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
Fruit donation total for 2023: 12,821 lbs!
A big thanks to all who turned up last weekend for our final apple harvest of the season! Over 1,700 lbs of apples were harvested, with 1,653 lbs going to food banks. The remainder will be available for sale this Saturday... more ›
October 25, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
This Saturday may be our final apple harvest of the season
Last Saturday, with the help of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangha, over 2,900 lbs of apples were harvested for Food for Life... more ›
October 18, 2023 –
New England
Join us for our next AYUDH Alumni Series followed by a hydroponics event and dinner.
Please RSVP and submit questions here for our conversation with Amritesh (Sainath) Thoppil on Sunday, October 29, 2023.
You can join virtually via Zoom for the talk from 1:30 - 2:30 pm EST... more ›
October 18, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
900 lbs of apples picked by Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra
On Sunday, October 15, the Farm hosted the Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) group for their annual apple picking. In spite of the... more ›
October 17, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
Newcastle Park Cleanup - Sat Dec 9, 10:30 AM
Please join a clean up of Newcastle Park in Brampton this Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM (rain or shine). This park was adopted by Amma Canada nineteen years... more ›
Please join a clean up of Newcastle Park in Brampton this Saturday, December 9, 2023 from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM (rain or shine). This park was adopted by Amma Canada nineteen years... more ›
October 11, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
No Farm Seva this Weekend but Farm Stand Open
Last Saturday, October 7, three volunteers braved the inclement weather to harvest the 'Wealthy' apples. On Sunday, October 8, two volunteers, undeterred by the cold winds, came to harvest the Bosc pears. Despite the small number of volunteers, all the... more ›
October 9, 2023 –
Toronto, Canada
Seventy care packages for homeless people in honour of Amma's 70th birthday
In honour of Amma's 70th birthday, a few devotees from Amma Toronto Satsang organized an initiative to distribute 70 care packages to clients of a nearby homeless shelter. In just two weeks time, donations were collected... more ›
October 4, 2023 –
Seattle Vancouver Victoria
Satsang members from around the Pacific Northwest gathered on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at the North Bellevue Community Center in Bellevue, WA to celebrate Amma's 70th Birthday with Swami Dayamritananda Puri. Swamiji performed a beautiful Pada Puja, led meditation, gave a spiritual talk, and... more ›
October 4, 2023 –
Amma’s 70th Birthday Seva Initiatives
We have multiple initiatives for you to participate on as part of Amma’s 70th Birthday (Amritavarsham 70). Below is the information.
1. Roswell River Clean Up - Sep 16th
2. Food Can Drive to Support Meals on Wheels - Concluded
3. Food Packing ... more ›
2. Food Can Drive to Support Meals on Wheels - Concluded
3. Food Packing ... more ›