Support Amma's SoCal Summer Tour and Advertise in Amma's Program Guide

In June of 2020 our charitable organization will be holding an event in the Los Angeles Area with over 10,000 expected attendees. Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), an internationally renowned humanitarian leader and spiritual teacher, will lead the programs. The programs are spiritual gatherings during which individuals will spend time with Amma. As part of the event, free Program Guides will be distributed to all attendees as a keepsake.
To help support this event and Amma’s humanitarian activities, we are contacting individuals and business owners who may be interested in advertising in this Program Guide. The vast majority of attendees will be from the Los Angeles area, the Valley, San Diego, Orange County, Inland Empire, Santa Barbara and neighboring areas, many of whom are interested in holistic health and spirituality. Placing an ad in the Guide is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to these individuals. In addition to the above mentioned event, the program guides will be displayed and given out at our various events throughout the year, thus giving our advertisers and sponsors additional opportunities for exposure.
CLICK HERE to view a sample program guide from previous years. The 2020 guide will follow a similar format with all the ads in color. The deadline for Amma's SoCal Tour Program Guide Fundraiser Campaign has been extended to Monday, March 22, 2020.
Additional opportunities exist for advertising on a national scale. National ads will be viewed by over 75,000 individuals across the country and are an effective means of reaching large numbers of people in diverse regions. The events are being held in the following nine (9) areas: Pacific Northwest, Northern California, Southern California, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, Washington DC, Greater New York, New England. The deadline for placing national advertisement and payment is March 22, 2020.
Here are the ad sizes and rates:
Full page: $1750 for National ads and $600 for Local ads
Half page: $1100 for National ads and $375 for Local ads
Quarter page: $600 for National ads and $250 for Local ads
Spreads (includes Left & Right sides) : $3500 for National ads and $1200 for Local ads
For further details and inquires please contact: OR / 661-361-2105 (Text /WhatsApp)
Nivedita at: Or 310-562-1592 (Call/Text /WhatsApp)
MA Center is tax exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the federal tax laws. Please consult with your tax advisor regarding deductibility.
For more information on Amma’s humanitarian activities please visit: Thank you for your consideration and we hope to hear from you.
Best Regards, Harishree & Nivedita Text / WhatsApp: 661-361-2105
Email: OR
Alternate contact: Nivedita at 310-562-1592
MA Center Los Angeles
Please consider supporting Amma’s visit to Los Angeles by:
- Giving a Donation for the North Amaerican Tour - Payment Link
(use drop down menu for North American Tours) - Placing a Business ad- Payment link
- Placing a Personal ad (called a Pranam ad. For eg. "Pranams Amma" OR "Welcome Amma" OR "Thank you Amma for coming to Los Angeles" etc.). You can include a similar message in a business ad as well.
- Requesting ads from people and businesses you know (like people who come to see Amma, your doctor, chiropractor, yoga teacher, massage therapist, restaurants, alternative medicine practitioners, health food stores, etc.)