Winter Homeless Care Packages & Food Drive

Winter Homeless Care Packages & Food Drive
This year, to honour Amma's 71st birthday, the Toronto Satsang is planning to distribute winter homeless care packages, exemplifying Amma's spirit of selflessness. These packages will be delivered following Swami Dayamritananda Puri's visit to Toronto, as a tribute to Amma's birthday. Last year, Toronto Satsang assembled 70 packages to be distributed to those experiencing homelessness in Toronto. Our goal this year is to assemble 20 kits for individuals experiencing homelessness this winter. The kits may include:
- $10 Tim Horton’s gift card
- Toiletries
- Warm winter accessories, like socks and gloves
Please consider a $10 donation toward a homeless care package to show love and compassion for those in need. Volunteers are also needed to help purchase items and assemble kits! Cash donations are encouraged.
Amma's Toronto Satsang will also be conducting a non-perishable food drive. Please bring one or two non-perishable food items to Dayamrita Swamiji’s program on October 20. It is estimated that now one in five families in the GTA are struggling with food security. Help individuals and families facing hunger by dropping off some of the most requested non-perishable foods, like rice, lentils and peanut butter, into the collection boxes at the back of the hall in the Amma Canada Centre. For more information, contact Mahita or Nandini Melody, or email