September 2: Farming Seva

Join for Farm Seva or Buy Produce this Saturday from 11 AM - 3 PM
After a restful and inspiring satsang with Swami Dayamritananda last Saturday, the Farm Team is back in full swing with its many sevas this weekend: harvesting late summer vegetables, apples, and pears, fruit and veggie sales, clearing the flower garden, clearing the garden tool shed area, cutting grass, and transporting produce to food banks. The team welcomes your help for any amount of time this Saturday, September 2 between 11 AM - 3 PM. Kindly remember to wear close-toed shoes. A light lunch will be provided. Please sign up HERE.
Our veggie stall will open for sales from this Saturday, September 2 between 11 AM - 3 PM, offering fresh tomatoes, eggplant, beets, Swiss Chard, kale, onions, zucchini, apples, pears and more. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Please help us reduce the use of single-use plastic bags by bringing your own bags (cloth or other) for your veggie purchases.
Last week, 589 lbs of pears were harvested and distributed to food banks throughout the GTA. Thanks to the efforts of our volunteers, this brings the total donations of fruit from our orchard up to 1,443 lbs. All fruit distributed to the food banks have been edible and free of insect infestation. In addition to the donations of fruit, we have sold $399 of apples and pears so far this year. The large discrepancy between donations and sales is due to the lack of cold storage and the fact that we sell for only a few hours, one day each week.
If you are interested in learning more of our farming sevas, please contact Brian or or email