Oct 2024: Homeless Care Packages

Twenty Homeless Care Packages in Honour of Amma's 71st Birthday
In honour of Amma's 71st birthday, Amma Toronto Satsang organized an initiative to distribute 20 care packages to clients of Dixon Hall, that serves homeless clients. Through the generous donations of devotees, warm winter socks, gloves, toques, and blankets were purchased in bulk from a wholesale supplier. On October 12, volunteers packed these items into reusable bags, together with a $10 Tim Hortons Gift card.
The care packages were blessed by Swami Dayamritananda at Amma's birthday celebration on Sunday, October 20 in Toronto, before being delivered Dixon Hall where they were gratefully received. Thank you to everyone who donated towards or participated in this initiative! Amma's Toronto Satsang offers this care package initiative as a flower in Amma's garland of 71st Birthday Sevas. For more information on how to participate in the next care package initiative, contact Nandini Melody or email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org