November 4: Farming Update

Fruit donation total for 2023: 12,821 lbs!
A big thanks to all who turned up last weekend for our final apple harvest of the season! Over 1,700 lbs of apples were harvested, with 1,653 lbs going to food banks. The remainder will be available for sale this Saturday after satsang, along with apple juice, applesauce, apple pie, apple crisp, and pear chutney. There will be no farm seva this weekend due Br. Ramanandamrita's visit.
Our grand total donation of apples and pears to food banks throughout the GTA is 12,821 lbs. A huge thanks to all who participated throughout the year. We could not have done it without you!
If you are interested in learning more or in helping out next season, please contact Brian or or email