November 11: Farming Seva

Final Harvest this Saturday!
All are welcome this Saturday, November 11 for our final fall harvest! While most of the harvesting has been completed, there are still a number of apples remaining in the trees. We also have leeks in the veggie garden which need to be dug out. Any help you can give us is greatly appreciated. Harvesting will run from 11 AM to 3 PM. Please bring your own lunch and/or a snack to share. Apple juice, apple sauce, pear sauce, apple crisp, apple pie, spicy pear chutney and apply jelly will also be available for sale this Saturday from 12-3 PM.
This year, the Farm donated over 13,000 lbs of fruit and vegetables to food banks throughout the GTA. Whether your support was in the veggie garden, flower garden, orchard, farm meal preparation, kitchen cleanup, grass cutting, sales, or your prayers and good wishes, we sincerely thank you all for making this a successful season! We could not have done this without you. May the sunny memories of summer seva brighten the quiet, restful winter months, as we patiently await the rebirth of Spring!
If you are interested in learning more or in helping out next season, please contact Brian or or email