Feb 2024: Homeless Care Packages

Feb 2024: Homeless Care Packages
On Saturday, February 10, a group of Toronto Satsang volunteers, including our youngest members, assembled 25 winter care packages, as a gift for to those experiencing homelessness in downtown Toronto. On Monday, a Toronto Satsang volunteer distributed the backpacks to visiting clients at the Regent Park Community Health Centre, as a heartwarming Valentine’s Day initiative. Each care package included a woollen toque, gloves, a pair of socks, a neck warmer, a fleece blanket, a scarf, a small bag of ginger heart cookies, and a $10 Tim Hortons gift card within a handcrafted Valentines card, all lovingly packed in a drawstring backpack.
The backpacks were warmly received and uplifted everyone's spirits! Thank you to all who donated funds or clothing items, and who organized the purchases. For more information on how to participate in the next care package initiative, contact Nandini Melody or email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org