Feb 13: Valentines Cards for Bennett Seniors

Over 140 Handmade Valentines Cards Collected
Amma Canada celebrated Valentine’s Day by supporting the residents at Bennett Centre long term care with lovingly hand crafted Valentine’s Day cards to brighten the spirits of the seniors. Many of the cards were made by Toronto Satsang youth and their classmates as a Valentine Day’s activity.
Amma Canada received over 120 handmade cards for the 65 Bennett Centre residents and the staff, plus 25 cards that were included in the homeless winter care packages. The Recreation Coordinator at Bennett Centre, Sonia, proudly displayed some cards that were distributed to the seniors on Feb 14. Thank you to all volunteers who participated by crafting cards to show some love to our seniors in the community. For more information on how to participate in future cardmaking, contact Mahita or Nandini Melody, or email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org