Farming Update - Sep 28

Help sort apples and deliver to food banks
This Saturday, Septemer 28, Amma Canada will be hosting the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangha. HSS has been helping Amma Canada with the apple harvest for many years. There will be about 20 volunteers from HSS picking apples. The Farm Team will need volunteers to help supervise the HSS volunteers, transport apples from the orchard to the sorting area, and sort the apples into three categories: good apples ("firsts"), apples with minor defects ("seconds"), and apples suitable for animal feed. The team would also appreciate your help transporting apples to food banks.
Farm seva starts this Saturday, September 28 at 10 AM in the veggie garden and 11 AM in the orchard, and runs until 4 PM. We will also be selling our produce from 1-4 PM. There will be a limited amount of veggies and plenty of apples for sale. This will be the last week to buy veggies from Amma's veggie garden, but there will be lots of apples and pears still to come from the orchard. A light lunch will be provided. If you will be joining for lunch, please inform Pauline by Friday morning, for meal planning purposes. If you have any questions, please email