Farming Seva - Nov 9

This Saturday is the Last Day for Farm Seva
This Saturday, November 9 will be the final day of Farm Seva for 2024! We will be harvesting the remaining apples from the orchard, and veggies in the garden. Amma Canada has donated over 9,000 lbs of fruit to local food banks in 2024. The Farm Team is hoping, with this weeks harvest, to break 10,000 lbs of donated fruit. Farm Seva will begin at 11:00 AM and continues until 4:00 PM. A light lunch will be served. There will still be Enterprise apples and Nova Spy apples will be available for purchase for $2/lb, and maybe even some leeks and apple juice. Come and help us reach our goal and celebrate a great farm season together! If you have any questions, please contact Brian or email