August 26: Farming Update

Fruits and Veg for Sale Before and After Satsang
There was a good turnout of volunteers at the Farm last Saturday, August 19. Thank you, everyone! We managed to harvest and donate 438 lbs of pears and apples plus garden veggies to local food banks, in addition to strong farm stand sales last Saturday. Signs on Trafalgar Road advertising 'apples, pears and veggies' attracted several customers. In preparation of Swami Dayasmritananda's visit, there will be no farming seva this Saturday, August 26. The vegetable stall will be open this Saturday after satsang from 2 - 4 PM. A large selection of produce will be available for sale including: tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, beets, green peppers, Swiss chard, kale, zucchini, apples, pears, and more. Please help us reduce the use of single-use plastic bags by bringing your own bags (cloth or other) for your veggie purchases.
Throughout September and continuing until the end of October, the Farm Team will need a lot of help with harvesting, sales, and transporting of produce to food banks. Please sign up HERE to volunteer for any of amount of time on any Saturday in September. If you are interested in learning more of our farming sevas, please contact Brian or or email