Global News

Meal Service at Simpson Shelter - MN Satsang

MN Satsang regularly cooks & serves meals at Simpson Shelter

MN Amma Satsang Meal Service at Simpson Shelter


MN Amma Satsang volunteers regularly prepare and serve meals at Simpson Shelter, providing nourishment and support to individuals experiencing homelessness. Currently, MN Amma Satsang volunteers purchase all necessary ingredients, cook pasta, prepare sandwiches, assemble side dishes, and serve these meals to approximately 75 shelter guests.

Shelter Mission and Services 

Simpson Shelter strives to address and resolve housing barriers by connecting guests to critical resources that facilitate long-term stability. These resources include:

- Housing assistance programs 
- Veterans’ services 
- Health-related services 

In addition to resource referrals, the shelter offers:

- Three daily meals 
- Shower facilities 
- Laundry services 
- Toiletries and mail support 
- A savings program designed to help guests achieve financial security 

Volunteer Impact

According to Aaron Ramos, the Volunteer Engagement Manager at Simpson Shelter, the involvement of volunteers like those from MN Amma Satsang has a meaningful impact on both the shelter and its guests. Ramos states:

“A meal at Simpson Shelter allows us to build community and provide fresh, warm meals to those who are currently experiencing homelessness. We have about 60% of our meals covered by volunteers. These meals help us save money so we can focus on other programming within the shelter. We are grateful for volunteers who assist with feeding our guests and contribute to the community at Simpson.”


By partnering with Simpson Shelter, MN Amma Satsang volunteers not only help to meet the basic nutritional needs of the guests but also support the shelter’s broader mission of enabling individuals to access stable housing and essential services. The dedication of volunteer groups contributes significantly to Simpson Shelter’s ability to effectively serve its community and address homelessness with dignity and compassion.