Mother’s Pantry Food Drive October 2017

A big thanks to all who helped make Amma's food drive a huge success on Mother's birthday! People were so generous, bringing items such as cases of soups, bags of rice, and cases of jarred sauce. This was the most food collected for Amma's birthday in New England, ever! As food was being brought on this day, Amma's children created a beautiful display as seen in the photo below. At the same time that people were pouring in with donations for Mother’s Pantry, you could feel Amma's Love in the Ashram kitchen as Her children were getting ready to deliver a beautiful meal to Abbey's House. It was all a heart-warming expression of deep love and gratitude to our Beloved Amma! Happy birthday Amma!
If you would like more information on MA Center’s Mother’s Pantry, please click here.