The IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique® is a powerful way to reconnect with our real center, our inner Self, and thereby experience true joy and peace in life. Born out of Amma's divine inspiration, this meditation technique, when practiced with dedication, is designed to bring about integration in our lives - an integration of body, mind, intellect and heart.

For those searching for the fulfillment in material life, the meditation technique will serve as a powerful key. A key to open channels of creativity and self-expression, help one to lead a more balanced life and give a more positive outlook.

One of the main functions for this meditation technique is to channel our energies properly so that we can tap into the unexplored realms of our talents. This technique also helps one to relax, both physically and mentally, and to lead a tension-free life.

Cost: The meditation class itself is free, but there may be a charge for lunch, snacks, printing costs and venue costs for the full day IAM classes.


The Integrated Amrita Meditation is a powerful tool for our spiritual growth. Amma has said that the technique acts on a very subtle level--eradicating all our negative tendencies, slowly but surely, and gives obvious practical results very fast. She has assured us that if we practice regularly we will see all aspects of our lives improve.

If you have become irregular with your practice or just want to strengthen it, then you may want to attend a Refresher Course. These Refreshers will answer all your questions and take you through the steps of practice. Many who have attended these Refresher Courses have found that they gained a great intellectual and experiential boost to their practice. These Refreshers are a small investment in time (approximately 1.5 hours in length) with a great return! There is no charge for these courses.


Please contact San Diego IAM Instructors for more information on IAM classes and IAM Refresher classes