MA Center PNW, Seattle

Mother's Kitchen

"Love the poor wholeheartedly. Go to their level. Believe that it is your dharma, your duty to love and serve the poor." ~ Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma)

In 1996, people inspired by Amma's teachings about serving the poor asked her if they should find a place with a real need and try to help. When Amma said yes, Mother's Kitchens started.

The first group started in Oakland, CA. In 1997, MA Center PNW, Seattle members heeded this call and started cooking and serving those in need at the downtown Seattle Compass Center, and for a short time at the Oz House, as well as serving at an outdoor location.

Seattle Mother's Kitchen alternates between serving two locations; Union Gospel Mission Men's Shelter and Hope Place Women & Children's Shelter.

It is Amma's desire that "Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day."

Email Dharmaja if you are interested in volunteering for Seattle Mother's Kitchen.