Open Up Your Channels of Creativity and Self Expression

For those searching for fulfillment in material life, Integrated Amrita Meditation—IAM® serves as a powerful key. It opens channels of creativity and self expression, helps to lead a more balanced life, and gives a more positive outlook. Practice unfolds new vistas and is ultimately a means to self-actualization.
Our mind determines the way we think, the way we see the world, and the way we react and respond. If we examine ourselves, we will see that we are rarely in control of our mind. Most people are more reactive in nature than responsive. This is basically due to unsettled and unresolved emotions that lie deep within us. The tendency to react dissipates a tremendous amount of creative energy—energy that could be used to benefit society and for personal development.
One of the main functions of IAM Meditation is to channel our energies properly so that we can tap into the unexplored realms of our talents. It also helps us to relax physically and mentally, and to lead a tension-free life.
Meditation creates silence within. In this meditative silence, our gifts, inner potential, and capacities become clearer and manifest spontaneously. A musician will become a better musician because the quality of their voice and singing will change; everything becomes more—more grace, more love, more beauty, more charm. You may still continue as a businessperson, painter, doctor, or musician but an inner transformation starts to take place. Your inner world changes and you begin to see every situation and every experience differently, with enhanced beauty and wisdom.
What is the secret behind this change? Meditation helps you to penetrate new layers of consciousness. Remember, meditation doesn’t bring anything new from outside of you; it simply helps you to realize your inner potential and finally takes you to the highest goal of life, which is Self-Realization.
CLICK HERE to view our current offerings of online and in-person IAM Meditation Courses, Refreshers, and Guided Sessions.