Farm Harvest Sale - Nov 23

Farm Harvest Sale - Nov 23
A big thanks to the volunteers who came out last week and lent a hand with burdock removal, barn cleanup, and cooking up applesauce, pear sauce, and apple crisp! This Saturday, November 23, the Farm Team will continue with barn cleanup and removal of burdock from the grounds. Barn cleanup starts at 10 AM, burdock removal at 1 PM. As this is a Satsang week, the Farm Team will not have the use of the kitchen, so please bring your own lunch.
After Satsang (5 PM), come check out Amma Canada's Farm Harvest Sale, to stock up on treats before the holidays!
- Fresh Orchard Apples: $2/lb
- Apple Juice - fresh pressed, unsweetened: $6/L
- Apple Sauce - no added sugar: $7 for 500mL jar
- Caramelized Pear Sauce - no added sugar: $7 for 500mL jar
- Apple Crisp - a classic recipe with oats, cinnamon, and butter. Sold frozen; bake at home: 5" x 4" (1-2 servings) for $5, 8" x 6" (4-6 servings) for $10
- Apple Chips - unsweetened, crispy & addictive: $4/bag
If you have any questions, please contact Brian or email