Aug 20: Garden Abundance and Summer Pasta

Garden Abundance and Summer Pasta
With a hot, summer day ahead and the Garage Sale expecting to bring in a larger crowd, many of the volunteers arrived at the farm early. By 9 Am, a small team gathered in the garden to harvest the organic vegetables and have them ready to sell at the vegetable stand beside the garage sale. From bright red, juicy tomatoes, to purple eggplants and deep green Malabar spinach, zucchinis, hot peppers, green beans and cabbage, the table was soon filled with nature’s bounty.
The garden team spent the day simultaneously harvesting and weeding. Once the sun’s intensity reached its peak, the team shifted to the kitchen and using the garden’s abundance cooked a huge pot of delicious vegetable pasta. It was a joyful and celebratory atmosphere with music, dancing and laughing as everyone put forth their best effort. If you have questions, or would like to get involved at the Farm, please email