Apr 12 & 13: Chili Prep & Serving at Georgetown Bread Basket

Clients say it's the best chilli they ever tasted!
Our monthly gathering of enthusiastic veggie choppers took place in the Amma Canada kitchen on Friday, April 12. Our lead cook and eight volunteers helped chop carrots, onions, celery, sweet potatoes, zucchini and more, to lovingly prepare seven pots of delicious vegetarian chilli! The takeout chilli was served Saturday, April 13 in the morning from 8:30 AM to noon at Georgetown Bread Basket (GBB), to over 30 families and individuals. One guest texted the GBB front desk saying: “It was the best chilli [he] ever had tasted!”
If you wish to participate in the next chilli preparation or serving, please contact Mahita at ammatoronto@ammagroups.org