Mother’s Kitchen Bay Area

What we do
Mother’s Kitchen provides free meals in partnership with local outreach groups serving communities in San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose, Monterey, Sonoma County and Santa Cruz. The original Mother’s Kitchen was founded in Oakland in 1996 by the MA Center, San Ramon. Since more than 40 chapters are actively serving throughout the United States and Canada. Mother's Kitchen Project provides more than 145,000 meals for the homeless and hungry each year.
We are now serving twice a month, providing contact-free Pantry Bags with fresh produce, fruit, protein, milk, eggs, cheese, staples and snack items to the housed, and sandwiches, peanut butter and other non-perishables to the unhoused, reaching at least 90 people each time. We are still based at South Berkeley Community Church near the Ashby BART station. Contact Kasturi at or Vijaya at 510-524-7865.
We have been on hiatus during the covid pandemic but are now resuming Mother’s Kitchen on one Friday evening monthly from 6-7pm to make burritos plus collecting clothing and toiletries for the homeless. Contact Amma Monterey
San Francisco
Volunteers help prepare lunch bags at Simply Sandwiches at St. Cyprian's at Turk and Lyon starting at 10:00am on Fridays providing sandwiches to homeless at risk youths, seniors, and people with AIDS. Help is welcome for delivering the sandwiches to locations around the city. Help is especially welcomed to prepare the sandwiches. Contact: Michael,
South Bay
Part of South Bay’s Mother’s Kitchen is on hiatus but financially supporting another outreach project in the area for the time being. Another part of South Bay Mother’s Kitchen continues feeding the homeless in the park. Contact Visalakshi.
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Mother's Kitchen will deliver a complete meal for 50+ guests to Housing Matters on Coral Street in Santa Cruz every second Sunday of the month. 2:15-3:30. For sign ups and drop off information contact Achintya: Amma Santa Cruz