
When we perceive goodness in everything, we will be filled with God's grace.  That grace is the source of all success in life.
The tree can't emerge until the outer shell of the seed breaks.  Similarly, you cannot know the Truth without totally destroying the ego.
In every stone exists a latent image.  When the sculptor chisels away all the unwanted parts, the image emerges.  That beautiful form is born because the stone offers itself to the artist, sitting patiently before him or her for a long time.
When we take each step forward with positive thoughts and a smile, all good qualities will come to us and fill our being.  Then God cannot possibly stay away from us.
Only those who are humble can receive God's grace.  In someone who perceives God's presence in everything, there is no room for the ego.  So the first quality we need to develop within ourselves is humility.