We must remember that the health and safety of those attending Satsang remain uppermost in our minds and hearts. We urge you to stay home if you feel sick, have a fever, or have been exposed to anyone who tests positive for Covid-19. Though masks are not compulsory, you are welcome to wear.
A special Sarva Amriteswari Puja will be performed by Pujarini Vaju Moorty at MA Center DC on Saturday, March 29 from 6 PM onwards. This sacred puja ceremony honors our beloved Amma by invoking her presence through a ‘Vilakku Deepam’ (lamp flame), symbolizing her divine essence, and seeking her... more ›
Led by Swami Dayamritananda Puri the all-day retreat offers a wonderful opportunity to learn to deepen our inner connection with Amma, especially when we are not in her physical presence. The retreat will include meditation, bhajans, question-and-answer sessions, and much more. Lunch, Tea, Snacks... more ›
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Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya's travel schedule
Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya travels to various cities conducting satsangs. More>>