Amma Video - Barcelona 2004 - May Peace and Happiness Prevail, Stories From the Field disc 3 part 6, Bhajans 1996

May Peace & Happiness Prevail - Barcelona Speech 2004
The complete record of Amma's speech at the closing plenary session of the Parliament of World's Religions held in Barcelona, Spain. In her speech, Amma touches on all the major problems facing today's world. In her clear, simple and profound way, Amma emphasizes how spirituality alone can help us rise above the barriers created by religion, language, culture and nationality.
To purchase:
Length: 27 min 43 sec
Stories From the Field - disc 3 - Part 6 - Puja and Manohari - Educational Scholarship
to purchase:
Length: 3 min 53 sec
Bhajans 1996 - 13m35s to 40m50s (27 minutes)
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Length: 27 minutes
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Discussion: You are warmly invited to a discussion/chat after the video if you like.
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm Where: 7C- 139 Drake Street,
Vancouver V6Z 2T8, BC Contact: Ambika @ 778 792 0890 . RSVP: Your RSVP is greatly appreciated to plan for dinner without... more ›
Where: 209 E 7th Ave, Ste 411
Vancouver, BC V5T 0H3 (Buzzer code: 1153)
Time: 4 pm to 8 pm
Contact: Partha @ 778 554 2737
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