March 25, 2020 New England
Special Q&A and bhajans with Swami Shantamritananda Puri. Everyone is welcome to join! Date: Thursday, 25th June, 2020
Time: 7PM CDT In order to give each region a chance to ask questions, please only ask questions if you are from the states listed below: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and... more ›
March 25, 2020 New England
Please use the link below to watch the Virtual Satsang with Swami Dayamritananda Puri and Swami Shantamritananda Puri. This satsang first aired on March 19, 2020 OM LOKAH SAMASTAH SUKHINO BHAVANTU ~ MAY ALL BEINGS EVERYWHERE BE... more ›
December 12, 2019 New England
Socks for the Homeless The MAC New England has begun the 2019/2020 Tube Socks for the Homeless Embracing the World Project. Now in its 5th year, our goal is to donate over 500 pairs of socks by the end of April, 2020. Please note: For the month of December 2019, all monetary donations will... more ›
September 8, 2019 New England
OM AMRITESWARYIE NAMAH~ Amma New England Center in West Boylson is ofering IAM meditation training Friday evening September 20th and Saturday September 21st IAM – Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique®
Born out of Amma’s divine inspiration What is IAM? Detailed information about the IAM... more ›
April 21, 2019 NewEngland
May 18, 2019 10:00am-4:00pm
Retreat with Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya
Saturday, May 18th, 10 am - 4 pm Where: #245 Linden Street, Boylston, MA Please join us for satsang, bhajans (devotional singing), and meditation with Swamiji. All are welcome. Registrations needed. Retreat... more ›
April 14, 2019 New England
Amma will be holding programs in the following metropolitan areas. Details on venue locations will be posted on as they become available. As hotels and other venues vary from year to year, and venues are not confirmed at this time, all are kindly requested to refrain from contacting hotels... more ›
March 31, 2019 New England
Om Namah Shivaya, Happy Spring!!! On behalf of Mother's Kitchen we want to thank and welcome the new Sevites!!! You have cooked and prepared some beautiful, delicious homemade meals for Amma's children at Abbey's House in Worcester Ma. NEW THIS YEAR!!! Can't do Mother's Kitchen all year round... more ›
January 12, 2019 New England
Dear Friends, This summer, for the 32nd year in a row, Amma will again visit the New England area to offer her solace and support to all who seek it. In 2019, these two days of programs are expected to cost upwards of $75,000. A handful of volunteers from New England are working... more ›
February 19, 2018 New England
    MOTHER'S KITCHEN NEW ENGLAND CONTINUES TO GROW AND SERVE!   If you have ever cooked and served in Mother's Kitchen, surely you have experienced the joy of sharing Amma's Love and Compassion through the gifting of a hot, home cooked meal. On the day of Amma's... more ›
