September 24, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Save the Date: Swami Amritaswarupananda in TO on Dec 8
Amma's senior monastic disciple, Swami Amritaswarupanandaji, will be visiting the Greater Toronto Area on Sunday, December 8 to hold a... more ›
September 18, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Help sort apples and deliver to food banks
Last Saturday we harvested another 1000 lbs of apples. Since the last update, an additional 481 lbs of fruit have been donated to GTA food banks, for a total of 1454 lbs of donated fruit. Of the remaining... more ›
September 18, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Astrology Session with Vaju Moorthy - (In-Person or Online)
Sign up for a 1:1 astrology reading with Vaju Moorthy, Vedic Astrologer. Vaju was guided by Amma to offer Vedic astrology consultations in Amritapuri, on Amma’s tours, and worldwide. Vaju is known for her empathetic nature. After living... more ›
September 11, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Winter Homeless Care Packages & Food Drive
This year, to honour Amma's 71st birthday, the Toronto Satsang is planning to distribute winter homeless care packages, exemplifying Amma's spirit of selflessness. These packages will be delivered following Swami Dayamritananda Puri's visit to Toronto... more ›
September 11, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra Children Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi with Devotion
The children of the Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) joyfully celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi... more ›
September 11, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Help pick apples in the orchard!
Many heartfelt thanks to all the sevites who showed up Saturday to harvest in the veggie garden and orchard! A big thank you to our cook/waitress who prepared and served a wonderful lunch for the sevites and our guests from Sundance Commons. (Sundance Commons is a... more ›
September 4, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Apple season is here!
In spite of uncooperative weather, equipment failures, and a company that produced a necessary product for our fly traps going out of business, our apple trees have produced a reasonably good crop. Harvesting of apples has started, and will be in full swing within the next... more ›
September 4, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Write a short article for GreenFriends' newsletter
GreenFriends, the environmental initiative of Amma’s global charity Embracing the World, is inviting you to contribute with a short article for... more ›
GreenFriends, the environmental initiative of Amma’s global charity Embracing the World, is inviting you to contribute with a short article for... more ›
August 27, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Farm Seva continues this Saturday
Thank you everyone for the help in the various farm sevas last weekend… It was a great day of camaraderie with an awesome, surprise lunch made with potatoes from Amma’s garden! It was also a very busy Saturday with sales of an abundance of vegetables and... more ›
Thank you everyone for the help in the various farm sevas last weekend… It was a great day of camaraderie with an awesome, surprise lunch made with potatoes from Amma’s garden! It was also a very busy Saturday with sales of an abundance of vegetables and... more ›
August 27, 2024 —
Toronto, Canada
Guests expressed their gratitude to have a hot meal to take home
Satsang volunteers gathered in the Amma Canada kitchen on the evening of Friday, August 23 to help chop veggies, cook, and prepare seven crock pots of vegetarian chilli. On Saturday, August 24 morning, two volunteers transported the... more ›