Amma Toronto In-Person group prayers
Amma Toronto satsang is holding informal in-person group prayer sessions on Saturdays when no regular in-person satsang is scheduled.
Group prayers will include:
Daily Peace Prayer Chanting - 8:30 PM
In light of the pandemic of COVID-19, prayers for world peace are being held for all online everyday at 8:30 PM ET -- chanting Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu 108 times -- "May all beings everywhere be happy." You are invited to join devotees from... more ›
Online Bhajan Practice
To improve the quality of bhajans offered to Amma, Toronto Satsang has begun hosting online bhajan practice sessions. These sessions are held over Zoom on the Thursdays before satsangs at 7:00 PM.
For more information, please contact Nitya or email... more ›