Kerala Flood Relief Fundraising Campaign

Toronto Satsang's Kerala Flood Relief Fundraising Campaign
Devastating floods in Amma's home state of Kerala have left 400 people dead, and over 1 million displaced in relief camps. As the monsoon rains finally begin to abate, efforts increase to provide food, shelter, and medical aid to those affected, and to repair the damage done to homes and communities. Amma's network of charities is fully engaged in the Flood Relief work: Read more>>
Amma's Toronto Satsang is supporting these efforts through a special Kerala Flood Relief Fundraising Campaign. The Campaign launched on Sunday, August 26 with a Special Satsang and Fundraising Dinner lead by Br. Ramanand, Amma's long-time monastic disciple. The Fundraiser featured Ramanandji's soul-stirring bhajans, and interactive, spiritual discussion on the life of Lord Krishna. A sumptuous dinner was prepared by volunteers, and enjoyed by over 100 people in attendance. In total, the Fundraiser Dinner raised over $2500. View Photos from the Fundraiser>>
UPDATE: By Amma's birthday celebration on Sep 15 with Dayamrita Chaitanya, Amma's Toronto Satsang had raised close to $7000! Dayamrita Swamiji encouraged satsang members to continue the fundraiser until November, and present the funds raised to Amma at the 2018 Michigan program. The Kerala Flood Relief Fundraising Campaign thus continues! If you are unable to attend an upcoming satsang, but still want to make a donation, you can do so at: Please select 'Kerala Flood Relief' under Charitable Project. (Funds will be directed to MA Centers, a US-based charity, so Canadian Charitable Tax Receipts cannot be provided).