Dec 23: Christmas Satsang

An Amma Family Christmas
Christmas day is celebrated on December 25 around the world, commemorating the birthday of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Christ descended to the earth to uplift humanity, and bring people to the path of spirituality. Jesus transformed the world through His message of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice, inspiring many to follow the example of His life. Christmas traditions have evolved over the centuries, incorporating influences from diverse cultures around the globe. But no matter where it is celebrated, the essence of Christmas remains the same: to spread love and kindness, and to do good deeds to help those around you.
Christmas also always brings family and friends together in a mood of celebration and joy. Amma's Toronto children celebrated Christmas with a special satsang. The Christmas satsang began with prayers invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesh (the remover of obstacles) and the Guru, followed by the chanting of Amma's 108 names. The devotees then rejoiced with a series of bhajans: Guru Charanam (Seeking the blessings of the Guru), Varuvay Varuvay (Worshipping Lord Ganesh), Jai Jai Mata Jai Jag Janani (In praise of the Supreme Power), Life is a Play, Pelava Kaiviral (I Will Take Hold of Your Soft Fingertips), Satyayattin Saram (In praise of Lord Shiva), Jai Ma (In praise of Amma), and Chilanka Ketti (In praise of Lord Krishna).
Following the bhajans, the devotees sang Christmas Carols: Silent Night, The Little Drummer Boy, Oh Come All Ye Faithful, and Joy to the World. The singing thus concluded, the devotees prayed for world peace, chanting Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu. The satsang ended with Arati. Everyone happily received the blessings of the Guru, and enjoyed a special Christmas prasad feast, including black forest cake for dessert.