Aug 19: Krishna Jayanthi with Br. Ramanand

A festival of beauty, music & games to welcome Lord Krishna
Janmashtami or Krishna Jayanthi celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth avatar of Maha Vishnu, the Preserver of the Universe. This year, Krishna Jayanthi was celebrated by Amma's Toronto satsang on Saturday, August 19, with much pomp, colour and fun. Devotees brought their murtis (images) of Sri Krishna and their Bhagavad Gitas to the celebration. The Gitas were placed on the beautifully decorated altar (Click here for photo slideshow), while the murtis were placed individually on dishes for the Nagara Sankeerthanam (procession). After opening prayers, Br. Ramanand lead the procession. Over sixty-five devotees took part, taking turns carrying the images of Krishna bedecked with flowers, and chanting “Hathi Ghoda Pal Ki, Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki!" Several families from the Amrita Bala Kendra participated, with some of the children dressed up as Krishna and his beloved, Radha. After the procession, the Krishna murtis were placed on an outdoor altar, and the Uriyadi games began.
Uriyadi or "breaking the pot" is a traditional South Indian game, similar to hitting a piñata. A clay pot is strung up on a pulley, and players try to break it with a stick, despite being splashed with water by others trying to distract them. In this year's uriyadi game, there were five pots: four filled with water and flowers, and one filled with hard candies. Both adults and kids had a wonderful time playing. Once all five pots had successfully been broken, the outdoor altar was dismantled, and the Krishna murtis were brought in and set on the altar inside. A delicious dinner was then enjoyed by all.
After dinner, Br. Ramanand began the satsang with opening prayers to Amma and a 25-min guided meditation. Ramanandji sang Abhayam Abhayam Amma and Vinayaka Vinayaka, before leading the group in the chanting of the 108 names of Lord Krishna, with the response "Om Sri Krishnaaya Namah" after each name. The devotees were then feasted to a variety of Krishna bhajans sung by Ramanandji and members of the Toronto Satsang: Kaisa Sandesha, Nanda Kumara Gopa, Samastha Paapa Naashanam, Gopala Krishna, and Kanna Karimukil Varna. Ramanandji gave a short discourse, highlighting the lessons that can be learned from Lord Krishna's example: despite the numerous challenges and demons He faced, Lord Krishna always wore a smile, a sign of His total equanimity and unperturbed, blissful nature. Krishna was always sweet spoken, even when abused, reminding us to never hurt anyone with our words. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Krishna waited silently until Arjuna had finished pouring out his heart before beginning to teach him the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. Sri Krishna's silence teaches us to be patient, and to listen carefully to others before offering guidance or advice. In order to uplift those around us, we must empathize with them and meet them at their level. Amma says that Krishna Jayanthi can be celebrated everyday when we allow these divine qualities of Lord Krishna to be born within ourselves.
This inspiring message was followed by more soulful bhajans: Manorkkum Vimorkkum, Sirme Mayur, Me Khadi, Sri Krishna Sharanam, Chandra Bhaga Tiri, Nanda Lala, and, the rousing finale, Narayana Narayana. At the stoke of midnight, Ramanandji's sang verses 1-8 of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Chapter 3, Canto 10, depicting the birth of the Lord. As the the word “Avirasid” was sung, the cradle of Lord Krishna was unveiled on the altar to the sound of clanging bells, drums and cymbals, and the chanting of "Om Sri Krishnaaya Namah". The devotees then sang Govinda Gokul Aayo with Ramanadji, to mark that the Lord had come. Satsang ended with Arati and closing prayers, the devotees taking turns rocking baby Krishna’s cradle, giving their prayers and wishes to the Lord. Everyone received Krishna's prasad in the form of blessed food, and the peace and joy in their hearts.
May Krishna be born in our hearts everyday in the form of kindness, compassion and love to all beings.
Hathi Ghoda Pal Ki! Jai Kanhaiya Lal Ki!