Launch of the Toronto Amrita Book Club - April 28

Dive more deeply into Amma’s teachings with the Toronto Amrita Book Club
Toronto Satsang is venturing on a new initiative: the Toronto Amrita Book Club. The Amrita Book Club enables devotees to dive more deeply into Amma’s teachings through the reading of Amma’s books, and some of the books written by her senior disciples. The Toronto Amrita Book club will meet every 2nd Saturday (twice a month). At these meetings, devotees will have the opportunity to reflect on their readings, and explore together how to infuse these teachings into their daily lives. The first meeting of the Book Club will be on Saturday April 28 from 3:00pm to 4:30 PM. Drop-ins are welcome!
Our Beloved Amma has chosen the first book for our reflections: From Amma’s Heart – Conversations with Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Hard copies of this book can be purchased for $15.00 CAD, after satsang on Saturdays. Alternatively, one can purchase a PDF version of the book at The Amma Shop for $9.99 USD:
For more information or to join the Toronto Amrita Book Club, please send an email to The moderator will add you to the Book Club mailing list, and keep you updated on readings, reflection questions, and meeting time tables.