Youth Program - AYUDH |
AYUDH stands for Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara, a Sanskrit term which means “the youth which perpetuates the wheel of dharma (righteousness)”. In Sanskrit AYUDH also means Peace, which is symbolized by the dove in the logo.
AYUDH seeks to empower the youth to integrate universal values into their daily lives. Starting with themselves, AYUDH helps establish a future of hope, peace and social engagement while maintaining an awareness of spiritual principles.
AYUDH is active in various North American, European, Asian, Australian and African countries. AYUDH Ny/NJ is one such branch of this global tree. Please join us in this movement of peace and harmony, and let us work together towards a better tomorrow. There is also an active AYUDH University chapter at Drew University in NJ.
AYUDH NY/NJ actively participates in organizing soup kitchens, tree planting drives, clothe drives, coat drives and in having tons of fun.
For further details please contact