Apr 13: Vishu Thaineetam with Br. Ramanand

AYUDH Toronto gives seedlings at Vishu
Vishu is celebrated as the beginning of the new year in Kerala, India, and in Malayali diaspora communities worldwide. At Vishu, young people traditionally receive a gift of coins (Vishu Kaineetam) from their elders as a token of their good wishes, and symbol good things to come in that year. In recent years, Amma has added an an element of ecological awareness to Vishu. Amma says: “Vishu is a celebration of eternal bond between man and nature”. Amma introduced Vishu Thaineetam, where 'thai' means 'seedling' or 'sapling' in Malayalam. Thus together with a gift of money, Amma wishes that young people receive the gift of a sapling or seedling from their elders at Vishu, to promote tree planting and ecological restoration for future generations.
This Vishu, Amma distributed fruit tree saplings and bird feeders to the Amritapuri chapter of AYUDH. (Read more HERE>>) Inspired by Amma's actions, AYUDH Toronto decided to implement Vishu Thaineetam during Br. Ramanand's Vishu Satsang in Toronto on Saturday April 13. AYUDH Toronto supplied 15 small basil and cilantro plants that were distributed by Br. Ramanand to children from the local Amrita Bala Kendra at the end of the satsang (Photos >>). Ramanandji's message to the children was to care for and grow the seedlings, and to present them to Amma during the Toronto program in July, 2019. This marks the first of AYUDH Toronto's ecological initiatives this Spring. Stay turned for tree planting with AYUDH next month...