AYUDH Holiday Donation Delivery to Youth Without Shelter

AYUDH Toronto delivers help to youth in need
To celebrate the joy of giving, Toronto chapter of AYUDH has been running a Holiday Gift Drive in support of Youth Without Shelter (YWS), an agency that provides shelter and support programs for homeless youth aged between 16 - 24. AYUDH Toronto members, Toronto Amma Satsang members, and Amrita Bala Kendra families donated brand new toiletries, stationary, clothes, gift cards, and more in support of the drive.
By mid-December, AYUDH Toronto had reached its goal of collecting over $500 worth of supplies. AYUDH Toronto is so grateful to all those in the Toronto Amma community who supported the Holiday Gift Drive and made it such a success.
On December 23, 2017, the Toronto AYUDH team braved an unexpected snow storm, and arrived at the YWS to deliver the donations. AYUDH members witnessed the festive atmosphere as the youth residents were served a delicious meal in a cozy dining room. It was inspiring to see the dedication and love of the volunteers and staff of YWS, and to learn of the many workshops available to support the youth residents physically and emotionally.
AYUDH members had the opportunity to discuss with YWS volunteers more ways in which the AYUDH Toronto can serve the youth residents of the shelter in 2018. We look forward to collaborating with Youth Without Shelter to bring more love, hope and joy into the lives of these youth.
It is not to late to donate to AYUDH's Holiday Gift Drive!
Donations will be collected until January 31. See this News post for more information on how to donate.