Sep 23: One-Day Retreat with Swami Ramakrishnananda

A day of inspiration and reflection with Swami Ramakrishnanda Puri
On Saturday, September 23 at 10:00 AM, about one hundred of Amma's devotees from Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia gathered in Toronto for a One-Day Retreat with Swami Ramakrishnannda Puri, one of Amma's most senior disciples. The devotees eagerly awaited Swamiji's arrival, chanting Om Amrteswaryai Namah, and offered him a fresh flower garland when he appeared. Ever smiling, Swamiji made his way to to the altar, and lead the group in the opening prayers before beginning Manasa Puja (mental worship), and the chanting of Amma's 108 names. With minds settled and focused by the Puja and Archana, the devotees moved easily into an extended 30-minute meditation, guided by Swamiji.
After meditation, Swami Ramakrishnananda gave a discourse: he explained that we must keep the 'spirit' in spirituality by cultivating the right attitude in all our actions. Swamiji pointed out that we have the tendency to favour certain actions and avoid others according to our likes and dislikes. This is not correct. Instead, we should carry out each and every action with love, as a service to God or Guru. As a girl, Amma did household work from morning until evening. She always felt she was serving Sri Krishna with each task, be it cooking food for Krishna, washing His clothes, or cleaning the house to welcome Him.
All of Amma's actions were done with great attention and devotion. Any work done in this way becomes sadhana (spiritual practice): it purifies the heart and leads one to the Goal. Before beginning any action, we should invoke the right attitude by giving up all expectations. We should think: 'Whatever God has given me, I am happy with. I am but an instrument in His hands. He has placed me in this situation for my own development." This does not mean that we should not strive to improve our situation. However, if the situation does not improve despite our efforts, we accept this as God's Will and try to learn from it. When we offer our actions to God out of love and gratitude, we are truly able to enjoy the action rather than waiting expectantly for the fruits of the action. Enjoying our actions while renouncing the fruit of action is the secret of peace of mind and the key to Liberation in the midst of active life.
After Swamiji's discourse, the retreat participants enjoyed a delectable lunch. Following the lunch break, Swami Ramakrishnananda began the Question and Answer session. With great attention and thoroughness, Swamiji took the time to answer every question submitted in detail. One devotee asked why Amma had taken birth at this time. Swamiji quoted the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, verse 7, where Lord Krishna says: "Whenever there is a decline in dharma (righteousness) and a rise in adharma (unrighteousness), I manifest Myself." Swamiji explained that there is clearly a rise in adharma at present, manifested as environmental degradation, refugee crises, increased terrorism, etc. In the past, avatars (manifestations of God) like Sri Krishna restored dharma by killing unjust rulers and other wicked people. In this present age, such killing is unacceptable, so Amma instead destroys the wickedness in our hearts. Unconditional Love is the most powerful 'weapon' that Amma uses to eliminate evil and transform society, thus re-establishing dharma on Earth. Another devotee asked why spiritual progress is slow for some, even if they have been with Amma for many years. Swamiji reminded all that physical proximity to Amma is not enough; self-effort is needed for transformation to occur. Amma's Grace is always raining down on all alike, but when we become angry, arrogant, or resistant, we block the flow of Grace towards us, and separate ourselves from the Divine. Those who put forward effort to do their spiritual practice, to introspect, and to reduce their negative tendencies, will certainly observe a positive change within themselves and within their circumstances.
After the Question and Answer session, there was a break during which the retreat participants were treated to an array of homemade desserts, chai, and fresh-pressed apple cider. It was then time for bhajans. Swamiji led the group in singing Shakti Do Jagadambe, followed by Dayakaro Tum, and Vrindavan Kunjavihari. Ramanandji then beautifully sang Ulakattinadharapporul, Japore Japore, and Only Love. Swamiji continued with Nartana Sundara Nataraja. Ramanandji sang the last bhajan, Aaye Haan Tvadde, with great feeling, drawing shouts of 'Jai!' from the devotees.
Swamiji then lead everyone in the closing prayers and Arati to Amma. The devotees waved the sacred flame before Amma with great concentration and devotion. Their hearts were overflowing with Gratitude to Amma, and to her monastic disciples. Swami Ramakrishnananda and Ramanandji spend most of their time visiting Amma's children all over the world and uplifting them through their satsang, their patience and their positivity. Indeed, one can easily see reflected Amma's Love for all reflected in them. Amma's Toronto Satsang eagerly awaits their return!