May 13: Mother's Day Satsang

Offerings of pure love to Amma on Mother's Day
This Mother's Day, Amma's children in Toronto each had a special offering to give to their Amma. There were beautiful yellow and red roses to adorn the altar, and Amma's feet during archana. For prasad, there were fruits and vegetables artfully carved and arranged into edible works art. Devotees sang stirring bhajans that filled one's thoughts with the Divine Mother: Amba Shambhavi, Mohalu Champara, Taye Maha Maye, Jeevithum Ennum, Ma Teri Charano, Bale Ambike, and Mayyaji. These bhajans extolled the Divine Mother's wonderful names and qualities, and described how much She is loved and needed by Her children.
Even Amma's youngest children innocently picked and offered dandelion flowers, which were transformed into a lovely garland for Lord Ganesha. It was a touching reminder that God does not look at how fancy or costly our offering is; God cares only for the feeling of love and devotion with which we offer it. It is indeed our love that makes an offering perfect and acceptable to God. In the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 9, verse 25, Lord Krishna says: "He who offers to Me a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water with devotion and a pure heart, that offering of devotion I accept from him." May our Amma bless us with devotion and purity, and enfold us always in Her love.