Feb 4: Special Satsang for Karthika Puja

A celebration of the light of Amma's love on the day of her birth star
In February, Amma's birth star, Karthika, fell on a Saturday, coinciding with the Toronto group's regular weekly satsang. About thirty five devotees thus gathered for Karthika Puja Satsang on February 4. The altar, wreathed with lights, was splendidly decorated with fresh flowers and a shimmering embroidered sari. The satsang began with the chanting of Amma's Ashtottaram (108 names), followed by Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, and Innallo Karthika Nalu. During the silent meditation that followed, the powerful, soothing vibrations created by the chanting were fully imbibed by all those present.

An inspiring reading was then shared from the book The Dust of Her Feet by Swami Paramatmananda. In it, Swamiji extolled the value of even-mindedness in the face of both the favourable and unfavourable circumstances of life, as demonstrated in the life of Lord Rama. Both when He was offered the throne and when He was exiled from his kingdom, Lord Rama only gently smiled, and saw the positive in the situation. Through acceptance and even-mindedness, he was able to turn a moment of tragedy into a moment of delight and growth. By adhering to right conduct and regular spiritual practice, we too can acquire this jewel even-mindedness in our daily lives.
After the reading, the bhajans began, transporting the singers and listeners to a realm of bliss. The bhajans sung were: Saranu Saranu, Katraka Nan Irundhal, Japo Re Japo, Kutch Na Le Aya Tu, and Jai Ma Ambe. The evening concluded with chanting of the mantra Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavatu eighteen times, as an prayer for world peace. As the devotees offered the flame to Amma during the closing Arati ceremony, the flame of love and gratitude was rekindled in their hearts. The evening concluded with a sumptuous dinner that was heartily enjoyed by all.