Jan 8: First Karthika Puja with Br. Ramanand

Toronto Satsang's first celebration of Amma's birth star was a memorable one.
In Vedic astrology, the constellation in which the moon was located at the time of a person's birth is designated as the person's 'birth star' or Janma Nakshatra. According to the Hindu calendar, the moon was transiting the constellation Karthika at the time of Amma’s birth, making Karthika Amma's birth star. Thus, each time the moon returns to Karthika (approximately every 28 days), it is considered to be Amma’s birthday. This day is celebrated by Amma's children across the globe with the performance of various spiritual practices.
A group of twenty-five devotees from Toronto celebrated Karthika Puja for the first time on January 8, 2017. Fortunately, this auspicious celebration coincided with Br. Ramanand's visit to Toronto, making it possible for him to lead the puja in person. In the future, when he is not present in Toronto, we will join Ramanandji and other East Coast satsang groups online via Skype to offer special prayers for Karthika Puja.
On January 8, we were joined via Skype by devotees from Washington, Atlanta and Boston. Br. Ramanand began with a brief meditation. This was followed by the chanting of Amma's Ashtothram (108 names), Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, and some bhajans (devotional hymns). After prayers for world peace, the hour-long gathering ended with Arati (flame ceremony) and the partaking of Prasad (blessed food). An atmosphere of peace and goodness pervaded, uplifting all present.
A listing of upcoming Karthika Puja dates can be found on the Events page. For more information, please email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org.