AYUDH - Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara

www.ayudh.org | https://www.facebook.com/AYUDHSoutheast/
AYUDH stands for Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara, a Sanskrit term which means “the youth which perpetuates the wheel of dharma (righteousness)”. In Sanskrit AYUDH also means Peace, which is symbolized by the dove in the logo.
AYUDH seeks to empower the youth to integrate universal values into their daily lives. Starting with themselves, AYUDH helps establish a future of hope, peace and social engagement while maintaining an awareness of spiritual principles.
The Southeast chapter along with 14 other chapters spread over the Americas is open to anyone within the ages of 15 and 30 to participate in social service, green initiatives, personal empowerment, and intercultural exchange. In collaboration with the UN, our chapter is leading campaigns for growing gardens, serving food and making care bags for the homeless, conducting workshops and tutoring services, and being active participants in general Satsang events.
AYUDH Aware - Help Spread Awareness of Local Hunger: http://www.ayudh.org/aware-atlanta
Please contact Viveka- 470-480-6106 for more details on joining Ayudh Atlanta.