August 17, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
Summer's abundance at the Farm
Some Farm team members arrived bright and early Saturday morning to harvest the garden’s fresh, organic vegetables and have them ready for sale. By 10 AM, the veggie table was filled with kale, Swiss chard, Malabar spinach, green beans, eggplants, carrots, cabbage,... more ›
August 3, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
Veggie harvesting and farm stand sales are in full swing!
Due to the Civic Holiday, it was a quieter day at the farm. Our small team of dedicated volunteers began with harvesting vegetables and putting up handmade signs by the road to attract buyers to our farm stand. We harvested green beans,... more ›
July 21, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
The Farm is blessed with a visit with Swamiji
The Farm was blessed with a visit from Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya on Saturday, July 16. He visited the vegetable garden where he spent some time harvesting with the team. Swamiji was impressed with the size of the garden, and the various and... more ›
The Farm was blessed with a visit from Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya on Saturday, July 16. He visited the vegetable garden where he spent some time harvesting with the team. Swamiji was impressed with the size of the garden, and the various and... more ›
July 13, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
Cherry season has arrived at the Farm!
With the cherry season coming to an end in mid July, our small Farm team has dedicated a lot of its time these past couple of weekends to cherry picking. The cherries have been abundant and delicious, especially at the top of the trees. Using ladders, the... more ›
June 27, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
Given the current pandemic situation in Ontario and the lifting of many restrictions, Amma Toronto satsang will be abiding by the following updated guidelines for in-person satsangs, beginning in July 2022. Let us all keep the health and safety of all who wish to attend Satsang uppermost in our... more ›
April 6, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
It has been a tough winter for the bees
Greetings from the Bee Team! Welcome Spring! The Bee Team is sad to report that we lost three of our five colonies due to varroa mites in mid-September. Varroa mites are the most serious threat to honey bees. They are external parasites feeding on the bee’s... more ›
April 6, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
Welcome back to the Farm!
Happy Spring, Everyone! Greetings from the Farm Team! With the sun gradually gaining strength and with the re-opening of the Farm to volunteers, the Farm Team can once again welcome you. Many seva opportunities await in the months to come! The orchard team is... more ›
Happy Spring, Everyone! Greetings from the Farm Team! With the sun gradually gaining strength and with the re-opening of the Farm to volunteers, the Farm Team can once again welcome you. Many seva opportunities await in the months to come! The orchard team is... more ›
March 16, 2022 —
Toronto, Canada
The MA Center Board has announced that Satsangs may now resume provided that they follow the guidelines and precautions below.
We must all remember that the health and safety of all who wish to attend Satsang should remain uppermost in our minds and hearts.
The following protocols were prepared in... more ›
October 27, 2021 —
Toronto, Canada
Keeping the hives healthy and cozy as winter approaches
Fall is here, and winter will follow soon. The bee team is now in the phase of fall management, making sure our bee colonies are healthy and cozy through the winter months ahead. The team will soon be doing a final mite treatment, and... more ›
September 1, 2021 —
Toronto, Canada
The bees are 'bearding' to cool down
It is a bee-zy time at the hives for both bees and beekeepers! The team continues to mindfully inspect the hives, testing and treating mites, monitoring pests and potential diseases, replenishing the water supply, and keeping an eye out for... more ›
It is a bee-zy time at the hives for both bees and beekeepers! The team continues to mindfully inspect the hives, testing and treating mites, monitoring pests and potential diseases, replenishing the water supply, and keeping an eye out for... more ›