Daily Archana (Online)

Person reading their archana book
Daily Archana (Online)
Next event (Daily): Mar 10, 2025 5:30am-6:30am 

Daily Online Archana offered over Zoom

Archana includes:

  • Dhyana Sloka
  • Amma's Ashtottara Shata Namavali (108 names)
  • Lalitha Sahasranamavali (Thousand Names of the Divine Mother)
  • Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
  • Closing prayers

Zoom link to join online:


Meeting ID:

833 5569 9602

Meeting passcode:


To join by phone:

  1. Dial 647-374-4685
  2. At prompt, enter Meeting ID (833 5569 9602) followed by #
  3. At prompt, enter Meeting Passcode (227508) followed by #

Participant ID is not required when joining by phone.

Please identify yourself by adding your name in your Zoom connection, so you are not just "iPad" or "iPhone". If you do not change your name before you enter, you can do so afterwards by mousing over your name in the Participants list and then clicking Rename. All cameras and microphones are to remain off during the Archana except for the altar and those who are chanting, to prevent noise and distraction on the call.

If you would like to lead the chanting or if you need more information, please email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org.

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May all beings everywhere be happy

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Group Chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother
Amma has chosen Lalitha Sahasranama archana (chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother) as a daily practice for monastics and householders, for relief from the perils in life and for spiritual progress. Amma Toronto... more ›
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Amma Toronto In-Person satsangs Amma Toronto satsang holds regular in-person satsang gatherings twice per month. Note: Winter timing for satsang (3 - 5 Pm) will be in effect until April, 2025. Satsang will include:
  • Opening Prayers
  • Chanting Amma's Ashtottara Shata Namavali (108...
more ›
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Group Chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother
Amma has chosen Lalitha Sahasranama archana (chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother) as a daily practice for monastics and householders, for relief from the perils in life and for spiritual progress. Amma Toronto... more ›
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Amma Toronto In-Person satsangs Amma Toronto satsang holds regular in-person satsang gatherings twice per month. Note: Winter timing for satsang (3 - 5 Pm) will be in effect until April, 2025. Satsang will include:
  • Opening Prayers
  • Chanting Amma's Ashtottara Shata Namavali (108...
more ›
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Group Chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother
Amma has chosen Lalitha Sahasranama archana (chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother) as a daily practice for monastics and householders, for relief from the perils in life and for spiritual progress. Amma Toronto... more ›
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Amma Toronto In-Person satsangs Amma Toronto satsang holds regular in-person satsang gatherings twice per month. Note: Winter timing for satsang (3 - 5 Pm) will be in effect until April, 2025. Satsang will include:
  • Opening Prayers
  • Chanting Amma's Ashtottara Shata Namavali (108...
more ›
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Online Group Chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother
Amma has chosen Lalitha Sahasranama archana (chanting of the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother) as a daily practice for monastics and householders, for relief from the perils in life and for spiritual progress. Amma Toronto... more ›
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Amma Toronto In-Person satsangs Amma Toronto satsang holds regular in-person satsang gatherings twice per month. Note: Winter timing for satsang (3 - 5 Pm) will be in effect until April, 2025. Satsang will include:
  • Opening Prayers
  • Chanting Amma's Ashtottara Shata Namavali (108...
more ›